Does anyone know of a good bed bug spray that works?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Carrie L:
Does anyone know of a good bed bug spray that works?

I see a few on ebay and was wondering if anyone has tried them or anything else to help with bedbugs. A professional is coming out friday but I wanted to start treatment asap

Best answer:

Answer by Chill
The saying always does wonders for me!
“Goodnight don’t let the bed bugs bite”
and POOF they’re gone =)

What do you think? Answer below.

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msladykathryn April 2, 2011 at 11:18 am

this is not recommended but I use ant and roach spray at my girlfriends house. and then we used painters plastic and wrapped the mattress and she still has the plastic and no more bed bugs


Summer April 2, 2011 at 11:40 am

Check the mattress for a nest. Bedbugs are easy to spot—they’re larger than fleas. If they’re transparent, they have yet to feed. If they’re brown or black, they’re full. Bedbugs can also nest in the headboard or a hole in the wall. Do a thorough search around the bed. Bedbugs can live 15 away from their feeding area so check the entire bedroom as well.

3 Wash your pillows and sheets immediately.

4 Vacuum the area thoroughly. Also remove clutter where bedbugs can hide. Cleanliness is key. A steam cleaner is also recommended.

5 Apply diatomaceous earth and silica aerogel to crevices where the bedbugs have been discovered. Over the counter insecticides can be effective against live bugs, but not necessarily against bugs that have yet to hatch.

6 Hire an exterminator if the above steps have not been completely effective.


SusieQ April 2, 2011 at 11:57 am


I will keep my answer short – best one I have used is called BedBug Terminator and it is made by a company called Kleen-Free and is sold online at their website. They have a case study that shows it works on the bugs and their eggs.

I would get some of it and start the treatment now. Will likely be a day ro two to be shipped to you but will be better than waiting until Friday.

Good luck,


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