red itchy bug bites on arms, maybe bedbugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by rhi(09)ler:
red itchy bug bites on arms, maybe bedbugs?

It started about a week ago. I noticed a red bruise looking bump on my arm and it itched like crazy. I didnt think anything of and figured it was just a spider bite. Then a few days later I got one on my other arm and the next night, two more. They were only on my arms, the only part of my body not covered by covers or clothes at night so i started wearing long sleeve shirts. Two days ago I decided to go ahead and wear my regular pajamas and I got two more on my other arm. They are like mosquito bites but bigger but of course its winter time so it cant be that. I havent seen any signs of bedbugs in the sheets but im going to check the mattress tonight. Does anyone know what it could be and how i can get rid of it?

Best answer:

Answer by Halow
spiders or bed bugs wash ur sheets and put ointment on ur bites

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