Can anyone guarantee that bedbugs will go away permanently?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by chacha:
Can anyone guarantee that bedbugs will go away permanently?

Ok my sons had a sleepover and someone brought bedbugs to my house. Since then, I’ve had the place exterminated twice, professionally fumigated and had the carpets steam cleaned. Bottom line – I am still seeing a bedbug here and there. Does this mean that there’s 1000 more? Does professional exterminating work? How come I keep seeing bugs? BTW, I’ve thrown out 3 beds and got brand new ones. This whole process has cost me thousands between replacing the beds and paying the exterminator!!! Will this ever go away?!?!!?? Puleeeez offer me some hope!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by honey
poor u ,although u make it sound funny. it must be a nightmare as they multiply.
next extreme- move house

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The Difference March 24, 2011 at 4:06 am

If youve had the place fumigated several times there should be no bed bugs. Check the contract. Some companies offer free re-extermination if the problem is not solved. Youve done what you had to do and a great deal more. At a huge expense. My kids went to camp and brought home bed bugs. It took us about two weeks to make sure that all the bugs were dead. We caught this two days after the got home. So if youre still seeing bed bugs that means you have a bad infestation problem OR they are not in your home but somewhere close by outside of the fumigated area. Even could mean someone is bringing them back into your home from somewhere else. Bed bugs are really not that hard to kill. Check these sites. Good luck


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