how affective are “bedbugs”?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by MaLiK’s_mOmMi_07:
how affective are “bedbugs”?

not really sure bout them..jus keep hearin about them nd readin about them..but im just wondering are they dangerous?? what can they do?? what if u get bites from bedbugs? what do u have to do??

Best answer:

Answer by tiff k
Makes you itch all the time.

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Sarisa G March 14, 2011 at 10:58 pm

OH GOD let me tell you we’ve had a problem with these little f*ckers for a while now… the apartment complex we live in doesnt pay for the exterminator either.
They are annoying they leave this nasty looking “waste” on where ever they nest and there is a smell that you can smell when you are close to the nest.
They itch like hell and everyone reacts differently to the bites. I have an allergic reaction and and an anaphylactic reaction to it as where my fiance doesn’t even get phased.
They are very smart bugs! They will migrate away from their spot if you find it of course. You will take their population down greatly though. You have to strip everything wash everything washable and dry it to heats of 120 or higher for 20 minutes. You have to buy like that flea/tick killer you’d spray on your dog and spray them when you see them to kill some of them. Vacuum everyday! DE is another thing to use the earth stuff it works wonders. Once you’ve killed most of them you have to do another few sweeps because they will hide anywhere in baseboards, ceilings, cracks, furniture, alarm clocks anything. Do another few sweeps and you should be good. We are finally getting rid of the little buggers in our house. They are attracted to clutter our breath and heat. People have a misconseption that they are attracted to filth… they are wrong! We keep a clean apartment.
They can live up to 100 feet away from the host and will fall from walls and ceilings to feed. They usually come out only at night usually around 3-4ish am and finish feeding an hour before sunrise and vanish like little ninjas.
They feed every 5-10days but if they start starving they will get brave and come out at any time they sense food, and if you still manage to keep them starved… (where flea spray and tape comes in) they will go into a hibernation and can live for over a year in this state without food. Only after that will they begin to die off… Me and my fiance are just beginning this war against them since our complex isn’t the best one around, but we seem to finally have taken the upperhand.


DOGTOM March 14, 2011 at 11:48 pm

You do not have to get ride of your mattress just by a vinyl cover and pillow covers and that soles the problem…..silicon the baseboards around any room.


matt p March 15, 2011 at 12:14 am

They can be dangerous and can spread chagas disease and hepatitis. They are notoriously hard to get rid of and often require multiple treatments of NEEM oil and other such methods to eradicate them. After DDT removal in the early 70’s bedbugs made a comeback and are on the rise.


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