Does a landlord have to disclose a pest infestation before renting an apartment?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Mariana L:
Does a landlord have to disclose a pest infestation before renting an apartment?

I moved to a new apartment in October 2010. The leasing company never told me that the apartment was infested with both roaches and bedbugs. I have clear evidence that they knew that the apartment was infested and they failed to tell me. My life has been a living hell these past few months and the series of spraying of the unit never got rid of the problem. Is there any legal action that I can take against them? Thank you so much.

Best answer:

Answer by michael
i don’t think so unless it or they damage your stuff.get it on video and take your lease to a lawer you just might get your lease and deposit and all rent back. im 90 % sure u can if he knew it.

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reenzz March 7, 2011 at 8:05 pm

If the landlord/management is actively trying to remedy the situation, you have no legal action.


Alf March 7, 2011 at 8:09 pm

We landlords have to provide you with a livable unit. If the unit was treated before you moved in and after you did, nothing you can do.
Now if the problem is getting worst or is not going anywhere. This is what you have to do:
1 Read your lease and see if it mentions something about infestation or spraying.
2 Get 2 or 3 estimates from a reputable company ( do not spray your unit yet )
3 Mail a certified return receipt letter to the landlord explaining what the problem is along with the estimates
4 Mention in your letter that if the spraying on your part or nothing is corrected within __ days consider this my __ notice to vacate.
5 Give him some time to fix the problem.
6. Move, clean the unit, turn in the keys, provide him with a forwarding address and expect your deposit

Good luck


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