Bedbugs are more common now than WWII. Do you think illegal immigration is a contributing factor?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by American Woman:
Bedbugs are more common now than WWII. Do you think illegal immigration is a contributing factor?

Best answer:

Answer by Muerto Mujados

What do you think? Answer below.

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DUDE!!! February 26, 2011 at 9:18 pm



Bryson July 26, 2011 at 9:10 am

Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good ionframtoin.


♥♥Cheelicious♥♥♥ February 26, 2011 at 10:03 pm

No. Your article give the answer without any mention of illegal anything.

“Immigration and international travel have undoubtedly contributed to the resurgence of bed bugs in the U.S. Changes in modern pest control practice — and less effective bed bug pesticides — are other factors suspected for the recurrence.”

But go ahead and blame them if you like, it makes no difference to me or any other intelligent person.


StoneCold February 26, 2011 at 11:02 pm

How Do Humans Influence Bed Bug Development and Dispersal?
Human dwellings provide bed bugs with a place to live and access to a source of blood meals. Bed bugs commonly infest larger buildings such as apartments, dorms, prisons, and theaters, but they also can occur in individual hotel rooms and in private homes. There is a common misconception that bed bug infestations occur only in poorly constructed and poorly maintained buildings with unsanitary conditions. However, this is not the case, as explained below. Modern construction has aided the spread of infestations by enabling bed bugs to move from room to room via central heating ducts.

Humans can aid the dispersal of bed bugs from one structure to another via the movement of infested bedding, furniture, and packing materials. Even more widespread dispersal is associated with the movement of travelers via infested clothing, luggage, and lap top computers. International travelers from countries that have heavy bed bug infestations can be a source of bed bug infestations in hotel rooms, and there has been an increasing incidence of bed bugs in lodging establishments around the world, including in the U.S. Bed bugs do not require unsanitary conditions, and bed bugs do not discriminate between economy or luxury hotel rooms. Bed bugs only need a source of blood provided by humans, and they can exist in the cleanest hotels, motels, apartments, and homes.

How Far Do Bed Bugs Travel to Feed and Lay Eggs?
Bed bugs typically do not travel far to feed and lay eggs once they become established in a building. Females lay eggs more or less continuously as long as they have access to blood meals. A well-fed female is capable of laying about 500 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs are laid singly in the same sites that harbor larvae and adults. These sites often are marked by masses of bed bug feces, which appear as yellowish to reddish-black specks and contain the remnants of digested blood. Large concentrations of bed bugs may be accompanied by a characteristic sweetish odor caused in part by secretions from scent glands.

Public Health and Medical Entomology
Insects and Ticks > Bed Bugs


GreasyTony February 26, 2011 at 11:24 pm

Well, anti’s are running out of things to blame them for. They probably even tried blaming them for the Iraq war, but didn’t go far, so why not bed bugs. Bring it up with Lou Dobbs, he’ll run with it….if he hasn’t already!
Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly: Fueling America with Lies

A recent report by a media watchdog group, Media Matters, documents and dispels myths and misinformation about illegal immigration and undocumented immigrants that are promoted by cable news channels on a daily basis. According to the report, CNN’s Lou Dobbs, CNN Headline News’ Glenn Beck, and Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly are the loudest voices leading the effort to fuel viewers with an anti-immigrant sentiment.


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