
in Bedbug Questions

i found 3 red dots on my foot, i found small and big blood spots on my pilows, so i checked the seems and stuff on my matresses, nothing.the next day i found a rolled up bug on my stuffed bunny, i showed my dad and he just told me to wash my bedding, i did, then vacumed my whole room, i sprayed my matresses and box springs with lysol nuetra air sanitizer, i sprayed the whole bed the carpet the molding and stuff, i washed my laundry. while i was vacuuming i found the skin of what looked like a bed bug. do u think i killed them if there reLY WAS ANY?im so freaked out!!!!!! my dad doesnt beleive i have them but i dont know. i was watching tv last night afraid to sleep and i saw a black bug coming towards me,it was very small and alll black, dont know what it was. please help me!

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