How do you get rid of Bed Bugs? They are such a pain in the ass.?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Sujax:
How do you get rid of Bed Bugs? They are such a pain in the ass.?

There are bed bugs on my couch. I tried spraying them with insect killer, and tried burning them. Whatever I do, they keep coming back. Am I missing something? Also, I do not want to call any professionals because I can not afford them. Any help?

Best answer:

Answer by mybaby2
i dont know. I guess buy new furniture and shower more often

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Michelle C February 10, 2011 at 6:11 am

You have no choice but to call professionals, they require extermination, I work for a company that has handled several of these cases and most of the time, furniture, mattresses. boxsprings, pillows and alot of clothing has to be thrown out along with the extermination – sorry to have to give you such bad news.


mnred1122 February 10, 2011 at 6:12 am

you need to have your couch vacuumed and cleaned completely including the pillows. This needs to be done on a regular basis especially if you sleep on the couch. Some sites on internet mention using tea oil but that gets expensive.


Zeespot February 10, 2011 at 6:28 am

Bed bugs are tough to get rid of. The best solution would be to get rid of the couch. If not, try a fogger like Hot Shot or a dusting agent like Delta Dust. Then vacuum the couch, making sure to get all the crevices. Once you’ve vacuumed, you’ll need to freeze the vacuum bag for 24 hours before throwing it out (so they don’t just jump out). Also pour hot water into the vacuum hose to sterilize it. To make extra sure, put the couch outside in direct sunlight for 24 hours, preferably if the temperature in your area drops below 32 degrees or gets above 90 degrees. When you’re done, cover the entire couch with clear plastic and duct tape it shut as much as you can.

But even this might not completely clear up the problem. The problem might be that other areas of your house like the bedroom are infested as well, and they just travel from there to the couch. You should vacuum, fog, and seal your mattress and box spring as well. Also wash your pillows and all your clothing in hot water, dry it in high heat, and seal them into plastic bags. If all this fails, then give in and call an exterminator.


erimaido February 10, 2011 at 6:35 am

Use a steam cleaner to kill those bed bugs. Then buy Bed Bug Powder from and apply it on the couch. I would recommend using a cover on the couch until bed bugs are completely gone. The powder worked on our bed and is human & animal safe. Bed bugs are very good at hiding, so you may need to apply a few times before you get rid of them all, but it does work!! We have a bed bug free bed since then. Good luck


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