has anyone succesfully gotten rid of their bedbugs and how pray tell?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by jayne c:
has anyone succesfully gotten rid of their bedbugs and how pray tell?

someone please answer one way or other, and how do you treat the bites

Best answer:

Answer by namairb2
Bedbugs are starting to get into peoples mattresses all over the USA. They live on blood for up to 10 months. To get rid of them start by removing all the paper and wood from around your house where they can hide. Wash, vacuum, and clean all furniture where they can hide. Also make sure to get around any wood doors too. Place small things like jewelry boxes, pillows, and toys into dark plastic bags outside into the sun for 2-3 days. Get rid of mattresses, and box springs that they are already in. If you can’t do this then put plastic bags around them making sure that there aren’t any holes. Wash all clothes and bedding in hot water and then dry them on the hot cycle too. Use an insecticide on cracks and door frames where you think they can hide. Check with the garden store or hardware store you get this spray to make sure you get the right one. Finally read the label carefully to make sure you follow all directions. Good luck and God Bless

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