Would spraying Off or something like it on my clothes keep bed bugs off?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by LLadies?:
Would spraying Off or something like it on my clothes keep bed bugs off?

I am going to be going to a place that I know to have Bed Bugs… can’t avoid it. Would spraying Off or another type of bug repellent on my clothes where I am going to be sitting, keep bed bugs from crawling on me? I just don’t want to bring them home!!!!

Any knowledge on this method would be very helpful
Smart Lady… thank you for your lovely answer! Know that you are truly a helpful person! It’s always nice to see random strangers insulting people over the net…

Best answer:

Answer by smart lady

you are stupid…

what is this world coming to….

Get over it, just change your clothes after you get home and wash them, you paranoid idiot.

What do you think? Answer below.

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{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

princess February 5, 2011 at 11:05 am

Bring your own sheets or don’t sleep there.


it's not for you February 5, 2011 at 11:28 am

Sleep in the car.


Jeanne B February 5, 2011 at 12:08 pm

Yeah, you can avoid it. If this is an acquaintance’s place, invite that person over to your house, instead. Bed bugs can cause severe problems with your health. If this is a place you are planning on renting, Insist the landlord have the house fumigated before you move in, or rent another apartment!

If this is a romantic friend, your house will do fine until you can find a diplomatic way to ask for her to have it sprayed. Sprays are NEVER meant for you or your clothes. Eradication is the real solution.

Did you know mattresses double their weight in just 5 years entirely because of bed bugs? Keep a washable mattress cover on your bed, under the sheets, and wash it in the same very hot water and bleach as your sheets.


Kathy P February 5, 2011 at 12:51 pm

Go to Home Depot and pick up a can of “Sprayway Good Night” This product kills Dust Mites and Bed Bugs.

This is a good product to just have on hand anywhere. I spray my mattress, and cushions, weekly with it.
I do not have any signs of bed bugs or dust mites and I do not want any. And if I was going any where that I thought might have any, I would bring this along with me, and use it, and most likely leave it with the people, and encourage them to use it on a regular basses.

Might be a good idea to spray your car seats and as soon as possible wash your clothes when you first get home.

* side note* If more people would be helpful in solving a problem rather then insulting this world would be a much kinder place.

I myself like being helpful. Good Luck


madamdreamweaver February 5, 2011 at 1:17 pm

I saw something at the store in the same section as the mosquito repellents the other day, like OFF, etc, that was labelled as being specifically for Bed-bugs. I didn’t read it, but it might be worth checking out. Maybe it’s something you can put on the mattress.
Look for something like that in the insect spray section of a store where you live.
I’d worry about the bites, too. I’ve seen photos of children eaten up by them, covered with sores. Pretty nasty.


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