
Is it ok for a woman to shave her legs after being bitten by bed bugs or will it make the bites worse?

Question by Bubble Killer: Is it ok for a woman to shave her legs after being bitten by bed bugs or will it make the bites worse? my fiancee wants to shave but she’s scared. By the way the severity of it looks like this http://www.pestpredators.co.uk/custom/bed%20bug%20bites.jpg That’s not her just a image that reminds me […]

How do you AVOID bedbugs?!?

Question by doglova: How do you AVOID bedbugs?!? I was watching a show about infestations, and a woman had bedbugs really badly. That scared the crap outta me. I hate bugs–hate ’em, hate ’em, hate ’em!! I have never had bedbugs, but is there a way to prevent them? I live in a state with […]

reporter woman travels gets bedbugs

a reporter tells the story of how she got bedbugs from a hotel

“bEdBUgS” Natasha Missick full short

One woman’s surreal journey through the nightmare too many people have come to know as bEdBuGs. Written by, and starring Natasha Missick. Cast includes: Luz Medrano, Sonia Wilson, Christopher Scott, Marty Seeger, Madalyn McKay & Charlie Esser. Directed by Kimberly Vega. Song ‘Funny’ Words, Melody, and performance by Natasha Missick, music by Kee Chung. Edited […]