
Bed bug feeding

Bed bugs are making a comeback in the US.. mostly due to international travel. Watch as this bed bug expands it’s abdomen while taking a blood meal.

1000 Bed Bugs Feeding at Once

A colony of 1000(ish) bed bugs needed to be fed so I offered up my arm for the cause. The colony is being used to help train a bed bug sniffing beagle named Bob. The video shows the initial feeding and then subsequent (2 hr, 24hr, 72 hr) bite reaction.

bed bug control bedbug infestation treatment preparation kill egg bite feeding eat party song

silica crystal gel cat litter makes a cheap powder to kill bedbugs. You don’t need anything else. Bedbugs are easy to kill because they MUST come to your bed in order to develop and reproduce. This powder is the dirt cheapest way to kill them. Silica gel is the main ingredient of Drione. You don’t […]

Bed bugs

beg bug feeding on human.