
Does putting clothes affect the color?

Question by Sharmarke: Does putting clothes affect the color? I need to dry all my clothes because of bedbugs not wash. I want to know if putting different colors will affect the colors. for example whites with red. Best answer: Answer by AnthonyHaha I will refrain from being a dick. Darks go with darks, and […]

Are they bedbugs?

Question by Tasha: Are they bedbugs? I haven’t seen any live bugs but while cleaning underneath my bed (I have a box frame bed with drawers under it) I found a previously white shirt covered in brown red splotches. They look about the same color as pictures I saw of bedbug skins in the seam […]

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are flat, wingless, blood-sucking insects less than ΒΌ” long. They range in color from light brown to reddish-brown. Bed bugs lay up to 540 eggs in a lifetime, and each baby can be ready to ready to reproduce in only 21 days. Bed bugs are a nuisance pest only and are not known […]