
I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs?

Question by May: I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs? And how can i remove the spots and itchiness from my hands face and legs…?// Best answer: Answer by john_killebrewyou need a new matress,and spread sevin dust around the […]

I think i might have bedbugs, but I don’t have any bites, and have tried to catch them late in the night but n

Question by suwoo: I think i might have bedbugs, but I don’t have any bites, and have tried to catch them late in the night but n tried to catch them late inthe night, but have never found any. Best answer: Answer by cwstufffif you dont have any bites and you cant see any, what […]

Are you still on here, because your afraid the bedbugs might bite?

Question by Porcelain Doll: Are you still on here, because your afraid the bedbugs might bite? when you go to bed?………… Best answer: Answer by Judas RabbiNo What do you think? Answer below.

think i might have brought home bedbugs, not completely certain, what can do?!?

Question by mary jane: think i might have brought home bedbugs, not completely certain, what can do?!? i went on vacation for 2 weeks. stayed in a hotel on my way down to florida [forgot to check for bedbugs before i slept for 4 hours], my parents condo’s [2], and a hotel on the way […]

What do you think this might be? About a month ago I started itching a spot on my waistline. Since then my?

Question by expertless: What do you think this might be? About a month ago I started itching a spot on my waistline. Since then my? ankles, back of my neck and now the center of my back. It is really getting to me. I have a drs appt next week. The spots on my ankles […]

I might have bed bugs! I heard bleach can kill the eggs etc.. I don’t think bleach is good for wood floors

Question by Jess S: I might have bed bugs! I heard bleach can kill the eggs etc.. I don’t think bleach is good for wood floors Does anyone know anyting else I can use for wood floor thats will kill them. Thanks so much! Best answer: Answer by Muffett :If they are in the floors […]

Bug bites on arm, itchy, smaller than mesquitos ! might be bedbugs ! PLEASE HELP!?

Question by movielover: Bug bites on arm, itchy, smaller than mesquitos ! might be bedbugs ! PLEASE HELP!? I went to Tennessee and stayed with some friends and went in the lakes, me and my sisters both got these small bites all up and down our arms, they are in some spots in groups of […]

i had my bed for 17 years maybe more, Do you think i might have bed bugs?

Question by The Man: i had my bed for 17 years maybe more, Do you think i might have bed bugs? i had my bed for as long as i remember, does it have any chance that i have bed bugs? i check and nothing is there? Any ideas? Maybe time for a new bed? […]

i had my bed for 17 years maybe more, Do you think i might have bed bugs?

Question by The Man: i had my bed for 17 years maybe more, Do you think i might have bed bugs? i had my bed for as long as i remember, does it have any chance that i have bed bugs? i check and nothing is there? Any ideas? Maybe time for a new bed? […]

My best friend grandma has bedbugs and my friend is there all the time. I’m scared I might get them from her.?

Question by amye223: My best friend grandma has bedbugs and my friend is there all the time. I’m scared I might get them from her.? My best friend hangs out at her grandmas house a lot, and she is infested in bed bugs. She had call me a few times to pick her up and […]