
I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs?

Question by May: I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs? And how can i remove the spots and itchiness from my hands face and legs…?// Best answer: Answer by john_killebrewyou need a new matress,and spread sevin dust around the […]

Can anyone tell me if I have bed bugs?

Question by Whitney W: Can anyone tell me if I have bed bugs? The only reason why I think this is because for the past week, everytime I’ve gone to lay down on my bed, I’m suddenly consumed by itchiness, and when I wake up I have welts and hives all over my body. I […]

How to Remove Itchy Bed Bugs from Bed?

Question by QueenOfHearts: How to Remove Itchy Bed Bugs from Bed? I have terrible itchiness in bed. What should I do? My mum tips her mattress. Will this help? Best answer: Answer by Jan JamesLeave the bed and move! Add your own answer below.