
I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs?

Question by May: I recently found out that i might have bed bugs. My legs are filled with red spots. How can i kill the bugs? And how can i remove the spots and itchiness from my hands face and legs…?// Best answer: Answer by john_killebrewyou need a new matress,and spread sevin dust around the […]

Would four cups filled with water around the legs of the bed help with bed bugs?

Question by Ron Brgundy: Would four cups filled with water around the legs of the bed help with bed bugs? Best answer: Answer by myvNope. You have to call an exterminator and have a heat treatment performed.No bed bug or egg can survive in heat at 140 degrees. It doesn’t damage the house at all, […]

Santa Cruz California hotels filled with bed bugs, theft, and rude service?

Question by Ash S: Santa Cruz California hotels filled with bed bugs, theft, and rude service? I am taking a little trip with a friend up to Santa Cruz for a few days this summer but it looks like all the hotel reviews are really really awful and frightening. Does anyone with actual experience living […]