
Do BEDBUGS carry diseases?

Question by Feed the models!: Do BEDBUGS carry diseases? Best answer: Answer by Qnope they just give nasty lookin rashes… jk theyre just really itchy Add your own answer below.

Is it plausible that bed bugs could spread sexually transmitted disease’s since it feasts on human blood?

Question by Tifferz: Is it plausible that bed bugs could spread sexually transmitted disease’s since it feasts on human blood? Could it pass it on during the next bite? Just a curious question Best answer: Answer by MagicalCynicI don’t see mosquitoes causing Herpes, so I think we’re good 🙂 Know better? Leave a comment.

What diseases bed bugs can cause?

Question by Bob: What diseases bed bugs can cause? I have come to a conclusion that there are bed bugs in my apartment. Never imagined even in the wildest of my dreams…. We have an infant child and worried what harm these bed bugs are causing to our child. What diseases bed bug can cause? […]

Can bedbugs spread diseases such as HIV?

Question by Daniel: Can bedbugs spread diseases such as HIV? I’m staying in New York for the week and found that my apartment has bedbugs. They’re in the walls, the couch, the beds.. I just want to know if there’s any common diseases you can get from them because my friend staying with me says […]