
Can children get bed bugs on themselves if they play in grassy areas or climb trees in the forest?

Question by Sam: Can children get bed bugs on themselves if they play in grassy areas or climb trees in the forest? Best answer: Answer by ♥ Kazumi ♥Nah, they only like to attack people in their beds…O.O And only little kids… Add your own answer below.

can bed bugs climb up walls and metal?

Question by Katelyn: can bed bugs climb up walls and metal? i dont have bed bugs, but this whole bed bug thing going around has got me freaked out. my bed is a metal loft bed. so can bed bugs get up there? and do they burrow in mattresses and pillows? and if bedbugs are […]

Can bedbugs climb in your bed even with mattress protector on?

Question by monkey12: Can bedbugs climb in your bed even with mattress protector on? place has been treated and had only a few but their in the building and afraid they’ll come back. Best answer: Answer by Tbedbugs get into the blankets and the box spring and the rug , pillows and your clothes What […]

Can bedbugs climb in your bed even with mattress protector on?

Question by monkey12: Can bedbugs climb in your bed even with mattress protector on? place has been treated and had only a few but their in the building and afraid they’ll come back. place has been treated and had only a few but their in the building and afraid they’ll come back. place has been […]