
Does the current return of bedbugs all over the U.S. cause you to think twice?

Question by Daisymae: Does the current return of bedbugs all over the U.S. cause you to think twice? about traveling/lodgings, eating out, buying mattresses, or riding the subway etc.? I mean carrier’s are everywhere. So many people. Best answer: Answer by ConansOwnerYES. But so far, it has not kept me from traveling. Know better? […]

Can a food or food additive cause generalized itching?

Question by Bess2002: Can a food or food additive cause generalized itching? I’ve been having trouble with severe itching (creepy-crawly and pinprick feelings) for several months now. There is no visible rash (except where I’ve caused it by scratching). The doctor has treated for scabies (just in case) and my blood tests are normal. I […]

Can a food or food additive cause generalized itching?

Question by Bess2002: Can a food or food additive cause generalized itching? I’ve been having trouble with severe itching (creepy-crawly and pinprick feelings) for several months now. There is no visible rash (except where I’ve caused it by scratching). The doctor has treated for scabies (just in case) and my blood tests are normal. I […]

Can bedbugs cause AIDS?

Question by rass: Can bedbugs cause AIDS? If bedgugs can transmit AIDS, under what circunstances can they transmit it? Best answer: Answer by essentiallysolothey can’t so don’t worry about it Add your own answer below.

suggestions to get rid of bed bugs and any other bugs that bite and cause rashes?

Question by stbml45: suggestions to get rid of bed bugs and any other bugs that bite and cause rashes? i’ve sprayed insecticide about 5 times and even threw away a bed, but the problem persists. help please sprayed insecticide a bunch of times and threw away a bed with no results, also no pets Best […]

will these bed bugs that get in my nose cause brain damage?

Question by Joe S: will these bed bugs that get in my nose cause brain damage? do bed bugs get in the brain as well? Best answer: Answer by badkarmaQuit snorting bed bugs! Iam getting concerned for the human race! Add your own answer below.

What diseases bed bugs can cause?

Question by Bob: What diseases bed bugs can cause? I have come to a conclusion that there are bed bugs in my apartment. Never imagined even in the wildest of my dreams…. We have an infant child and worried what harm these bed bugs are causing to our child. What diseases bed bug can cause? […]

Is This a Good Price To get Rid Of Bedbugs?

Question by theherodrowns16: Is This a Good Price To get Rid Of Bedbugs? I have bedbugs in my apartment and it’s getting ridiculous now cause I tried putting on mattress covers which didn’t help and now the bedbugs spread to another room in my apartment so before they continue to spread I called an exterminator […]

Would fleas or bed bugs cause tiny blood spots on sheets?

Question by Mari: Would fleas or bed bugs cause tiny blood spots on sheets? I just recently found tiny blood spots all over my sheets, I also recently found fleas on my dogs, but I am not sure if fleas can cause blood spots on anything, if not that then I am suspecting bed bugs […]