
What’s the story behind the saying “don’t let the bed bugs bite”?

Question by Patrick: What’s the story behind the saying “don’t let the bed bugs bite”? Best answer: Answer by bleachbuddythere are bugs that can live in your mattress. and if they bite you get little red dots all over you. it usually only occurs in places that are SUPER SUPER SUPER dirty. its soo gross! […]

can you ACTUALLY see bed bugs when they’re on your bed?

Question by qbanprincesa305: can you ACTUALLY see bed bugs when they’re on your bed? i’ve been starting to wonder if they might be on my bed but i can’t see them. so are they tiny or big? cuz now i have 2 different answers. Best answer: Answer by bunny gno, you can’t see them. i […]

How do I get rid of BED BUGS?!?

Question by Nana O: How do I get rid of BED BUGS?!? How do I kill them? Every time we bomb our house, they seem to come back. we’ve defumigated the house atleast two or three times now, and I recently took the sheets off my bed to find atleast forty unhappy eggs! I want […]

What are bed bugs, and what do they look like?

Question by Jimmy: What are bed bugs, and what do they look like? Best answer: Answer by pcjfdsklThey are little brown bugs that live in bed frames and around mattresses. They drink human blood. Know better? Leave a comment.

I JUST signed my lease and saw bed bugs in the apartment!!!?

Question by Ross K: I JUST signed my lease and saw bed bugs in the apartment!!!? Ok, so there were 2 apartments in my complex which i was gonna move into…i just looked at the apartment i just signed the lease for today and i saw like 5 dead bed bugs and 1 live one!!! […]

Are are the bite areas on skin from bed bugs or fleas contagious?

Question by ricky j: Are are the bite areas on skin from bed bugs or fleas contagious? Best answer: Answer by TamaraNot contagious but if you sleep in the same bed they will most likely bite you too and if you have closer contact with somebody who’s invested with fleas you will get them too. […]

have bed bugs and want to ask if anyone has used Diatomaceous earth and got rid of them.?

Question by TiburonKnight: have bed bugs and want to ask if anyone has used Diatomaceous earth and got rid of them.? And is it safe to sprinkle onto the mattress?. Best answer: Answer by Michelle Jyes! i used mother earth-d. i dusted around bed and cracks, crevices and dark places. unfortunately, i live in apt […]

can you sue a hotel for extermination costs should you acquire bed bugs after staying at their facility?

Question by KennyTheFixer: can you sue a hotel for extermination costs should you acquire bed bugs after staying at their facility? Best answer: Answer by Love.Canadathey will say you brought them to the hotel What do you think? Answer below.

can I sue my landlord for bed bugs that where in our rented house before we moved here..?

Question by ♥★ღஐ ANGELheart ♥★ღஐ: can I sue my landlord for bed bugs that where in our rented house before we moved here..? When I moved in the house was infested with fleas. It was so bad we had to leave for a week while he attempted to get rid of them. It is 3 […]

appartment next door has bed bugs what should i do?

Question by **: appartment next door has bed bugs what should i do? they found 30 bedbugs but only in one bedroom is that a lot?? thanks! Best answer: Answer by Ray30 bedbugs easily becomes 3000 – One way to kill them is to make the room over 120degrees – They die at about 115 […]