Anyone in the Toronto area had luck getting rid of bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by justasking:
Anyone in the Toronto area had luck getting rid of bed bugs?

Anyone in the Toronto area had any luck with ridding house of bed bugs? We are on our 5th treatment and still seem to be having them — any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by muffett1
we have never had them but a neighbour of ours had them 2 months ago
she hired a professional to come & spray the house & they were gone after 2 treatments
your better to hire cause stuff out in the stores just do not get rid of them

good luck

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cinnamon melt January 29, 2011 at 11:42 am

dont live in Toronto, but all you have to do is vacuum real real good, then empty out your vacuum bag or cup… also you can get an insecticide spray like the kind they make for headlice….but i don’t think that is necessary at all, and might cause more harm than good. A good vacumming should be sufficient.


ghost orchid January 29, 2011 at 12:06 pm

I had one fumigation treatment, and when I still found fresh bites on my body I decided to wrap my mattresses in two layers of plastic paint dropcloths (from the hardware store), sealing the wrapping with green painter’s tape. I haven’t had a bite since, one year later!

Because those suckers have a really long lifetime and can reproduce a lot, the challenge is starving them for about nine months, which means not letting them bite anyone. Since they primarily bite people at night, they’re probably finding you in bed, which is why trapping their bed population under plastic works so nicely. I used dropcloths because the plastic is really soft – I didn’t want to hear any crinkling while rolling around on my bed – but you could use anything that can securely wrap the mattresses.

If you’ve already wrapped your mattresses, washed and dried all your clothes and bedding in hot water and a hot dryer (it’s the heat that kills them, not the water, so you can just use a dryer really) and vaccuumed like crazy and you’re *still* experiencing those nasty pests, I’d move! That, or try different bed bug pest professionals – someone who will turn every piece of furniture on end finding and fumigating those awful insects.

Good luck!!!


Andrew January 31, 2011 at 5:33 am

I hired a company called Heat-n-go. They got rid of them with one simple treatment. They used heat. with-in 8 hours my house was bedbug free!! I highly recommend them!


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