what is the best way to get rid of bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Brittany Gibson:
what is the best way to get rid of bed bugs?

i have alot and i dont know how to get rid of them they are driving me crazy help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by catherinel1968
clean ur bed, carpets and furniture with steam (at least 275 degrees F) … bag ALL clothing for 3 weeks AFTER running everything in a dryer for 1/2 hr … after 3 weeks run it all AGAIN in a dryer for the same amount of time … and wait……………………….if u still have the problem, do it AGAIN … there IS a powder that u can get to put along the baseboards of your house, but i’ve yet to find out EXACTLY wat it is….i’ve heard you can get it from home hardware, but its not safe for kids or pets

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saaanen April 9, 2011 at 5:04 pm

An exterminator


Boston Blend April 9, 2011 at 5:06 pm

You have to call an exterminator, bedbugs are very difficult to get rid of.
They may heat treat the house.
Good luck:)


Jeff G April 9, 2011 at 6:01 pm

I’d start by calling Terminix (1.800.291.4849) since they’ll do a free in-home inspection and they guarantee the work. They’ll also give you an idea as to the size of the infestation.

If you decide to treat your home yourself, you’ll need to purchase the products needed, and you’ll need to thoroughly inspect every inch of the room.

1. Vacuum the mattress, box spring and floor. Go around the baseboard and cracks with a vacuum crevice tool.
2. Use a mattress safe knock down spray to kill bed bugs and bed bug eggs. Be sure to treat the mattress, box spring, bed frame, end tables and other areas near and around the bed
2. Use a residual spray for longer lasting protection. Spray baseboards, in cracks and crevices.
3. Encase the mattress and box spring after the spray dries
4. Vacuum the room and steam all cracks/crevices if you have a hand steamer
5. Steam clean carpets
6. Wash all linen in hot water
7. Dispose of all clutter.

You can find detailed instructions in the resource.


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