how to get rid of bed bugs ?what type of insecticides could be used and where do I get it?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Mr Nice Guy:
how to get rid of bed bugs ?what type of insecticides could be used and where do I get it?

Best answer:

Answer by zappa52001
Leave it in strong sunshine for a few hours

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Marcariel April 9, 2011 at 4:11 pm

“This is an ancient insect whose roots are thought to go back to the times of cave dwellers. For many years, bedbugs were found in numerous communities around the US. As late as the 1950’s, bedbugs were a considerable problem. After the discovery of DDT and its application here, the incidence of bedbug infestations declined.

Why has this pest surfaced once again? There are a number of theories. First, there is much more world travel. Also, more people visit from other countries that have bedbug problems. This pest is carried from one place to another in luggage and on clothing. With more bedbug problems, hotel and motel travelers run a greater risk of contact with bedbugs and may eventually bring bedbugs home with them.

Another suggested reason for the resurgence of the bedbug is a shift to the use of bait gels, a common food based replacement for the liquid insecticides previously used inside homes. Although sprays may have helped to suppress bedbug populations, bait gels do not attract bedbugs, which seek blood from a live host.”

The web sites below have answers, and the treatment must be thorough or they will return. A bedbug can go for a year without food and still live. You should hire a prefessional to treat your home, and wash, wash, wash everything that comes in contact with you and your bed. Good luck!!


jimsdaughter3 April 9, 2011 at 4:46 pm

Insectisides won’t work, the eggs of any tiny insect have no nervous system, means can’t kill them, and then they are immune to what ever you used. Bleach and plastic bag however, will stomp them out as the hatch. Bleach your materials in the washer dry on high heat, after dry, and cooled for a bit place in black leaf bag and leave there for at least two weeks, wrap yor mattress in black leaf bags and if you have carpet, get some foil pie tins fill with water, bleach, and soap and place in an out-of-the-way spot on the floor, the little critters can’t resist the shiny thing and they drown themselves.


Petals April 9, 2011 at 5:20 pm

There was an excellent article by Yahoo a week or so on this, and I will look up and supply link tonight — I am finishing my so-called lunch break at work now.

The bottom line is this is a job for professionals. You can help by doing a thorough vacuuming the same as you would for fleas, but these bloodsuckers have been found hiding in alarm clocks, just waiting till dark.

Add’l: didn’t find the Yahoo story, have provided links that tell how to get rid of them AND how to prevent bringing in more.


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