Do I have bedbugs or fleas? Help!?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by julierae73:
Do I have bedbugs or fleas? Help!?

I have itchy bites all over, mostly my back, stomach and arms. It seems logical that it’s either bed bugs or fleas but I have no idea how to tell if it’s either or neither. I have two cats that were at the vet recently where they could have gotten fleas I guess. The weird thing is that my husband is fine, no bites, no itching. Help!! It’s driving me crazy!
or could it be something else all together?

Best answer:

Answer by snagelfritz
Well, you may want to look. May need a good magnifying glass. Fleas start out as a larvae and it very small worm looking things, and, they do bite.
You should feel itching when they bite you.
But, it would seem your husband get bit too. But, his skin may be tougher and not show the bites as well.

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carly April 8, 2011 at 6:17 am

If the bites are pretty much in a straight line, it is bed bugs. If they are all over , it could be fleas. Check your cats first. Do they have fleas? If they don’t have fleas, then fleas probably are not your problem. They would be on the cat before you. It is unusual to just have bed bugs all of a sudden. Are you in a new house? Did you just come back from a trip? They could have been carried in that way. Why your husband is not affected is unusual. Go to a doctor so your bites won’t get infected. and also call an exterminator.


mrs sexy pants April 8, 2011 at 7:00 am

If they look like this … they’re flea bites:

If they look like this … they’re bed bugs:

Bed bugs “generally” leave bigger welts than fleas. Either way, no matter what’s biting you (but if your husband has not signs of bites, are you sure you’re just not breaking out in hives due to an allergic reaction?) you have to get rid of the critters.

I suggest googling “how to get rid of dust mites” and try to find a product that will help do just that.

Here’s one link you can check out to get rid of both mites & fleas & it’s natural.


PuttPutt April 8, 2011 at 7:30 am

Are you sure it isn’t an allergic reaction (hives)? It seems strange that your husband is not being affected, especially if he is in the same bed as you.


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