A friend of mine has bed bugs she has thrown out her boxspring because she found alot of bugs on them?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by msjtwin:
A friend of mine has bed bugs she has thrown out her boxspring because she found alot of bugs on them?

but she is still getting bit at night. Where else could they be. She has checked the base boards there are no cracks anywhere, the carpet was cleaned and vacuum is ran ever other day. The dressers have been checked as well. Where could they be?

Best answer:

Answer by Cujo
You need to contact pest control or exterminator. I don’t know a bunch about bed bugs but all I know is they can hide anywhere. My friend had the same problem..they were in her baseboards, computer desk, carpet, clothing, purses. They hide. When they have larva the larva can be hidden in the threading of anything..carpet..clothing..the mattress or blankets. So just because the bug is gone the babies may still be there. Bug bombs and sprays do not work, you need to contact a professional.

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