Are these bedbugs, or not??? PLEASE HELP!!!!?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by AllyQ:
Are these bedbugs, or not??? PLEASE HELP!!!!?

They’re very dark. Kinda looks like a black sesame seed. They are not flat (pretty sure their not…at least hopefully!), pretty round-ish…they just look like a black sesame seed OK!
so are they! please tell me they’re just something that closely resembles a bed bug, though I have not seen a bed bug before…

Best answer:

Answer by Kristina
if you found them in your bed, might be bedbugs. take a tissue and squeeze one, then smell it. It should have specific smell, quite strong. If they are in your bed, they should have bitten you, cause they feed on blood. They hide at the day time and come out at night. Hard to get rid of them. they do not tolerate hot climate. hot or boiling water the bets way to get rid of them. Or hair dryer might work as well as spirit, wodka. spary it on them.

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SillyS April 6, 2011 at 8:53 am

bed bugs look flat round with lines across the back they are like dark brown if they are
when i had these no exterminator would do it cause there was no way to get rid of them so they said.They are the demons from hell.
I tried everything you can think of spent over $ 200.00 on chemicals and still there. I know this worked quickly and slept so good the first night we did this. Until I am fortunate enough to have a very dear friend give me a solution of borax 20 mule team detergent and salt.
First you get an empty large hole size shaker of any kind ( i used an old garlic powder container it wasn’t empty but I sure emptied it)
Then use 1/2 borax detergent & 1/2 salt
Sprinkle everywhere… All over
took mattress & box spring outside sprinkled all over
left all day
vacuumed everything up including electrical sockets every nook and cranny
taped up sockets and me not ever wanting these things back taped up along baseboards
washed everything in hot water
non washables in black trash bags baking in sun for 3 days
repeated 3 months later
I had a couple boxes under my bed so i sprinkled in there also. very important things but anything to rid of bed bugs
I also, to this day, vacuum my mattress. all the time
3 years later no sign of them


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