If you see a bedbug and track it will it go back to where they live?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by inv3s7or:
If you see a bedbug and track it will it go back to where they live?

So I find where they all are rather than getting rid of them one at a time?

Best answer:

Answer by cantweallbefull
They don’t have “nests” or homes per say. They live where you do and are usually in every nook and cranny. They like to hide behind pictures, in and under furniture and beds etc.
If you have clutter they will hide under that too. And in clothes under or in shoes etc.
In other words hire an exterminator and make sure to clean behind pictures posters etc. and eliminate as much clutter as possible. It wont prevent you from getting bed bugs but will make them easier to find and get rid of.

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TheBedbugGuy April 5, 2011 at 8:46 pm

Simply the answer is yes. Bedbugs, like other insects, use pheromones to mark their spots. After a Bedbug feeds, it will return to the area it is hiding (they don’t nest like other insects) to digest its meal.


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