How can I find and get rid of bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

I have bed bugs. I get multiple bites on my hands almost every night.

I have enclosed the boxspring with a latex cover, but the bites continue. I’ve sprayed with Home Depot insecticide, which says on the bottle that it kills bedbugs. I’ve sprayed every inch of my bedroom with this junk, multiple MULTIPLE times, including spraying the mattress. I’ve also done the routine of washing all bedding in hot water (I do it just about weekly).

I’ve spent so much money on this, it’s ridiculous, from replacing pillows to paying exterminators to buying mattress enclosures. Do I really have to just accept that insects dine on my blood nightly and smear it on my sheets as they depart? Do I have to move and trash all furniture and belongings? Should I go to bed in a beekeeper’s suit? What’s a guy to do?

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Sunny Lady October 7, 2010 at 9:42 am

One more thing you might try before calling the exterminator or buying new mattresses…

Bed bugs also like to hide behind baseboards or between the cracks in paneling during the day. Vacuum every nook and cranny you can find using that skinny attachment for the end of your vacuum cleaner hose so you can really get in there. Repeat every few days for a few weeks to catch any newly hatched bugs. Vacuum on a regular basis and change your sheets at least once a week to deter reinfestation.

Good luck!


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