How do you clean bedbug from skin?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by veronica:
How do you clean bedbug from skin?

i believe i was bite by a bedbug how do i stop the itch and the swelling i have on my body

Best answer:

Answer by Sunflower2
I am sorry to say, but you need to do more than stop the itch and swelling if you have been bitten by a bedbug.
They multiply by the thousands, and you will have bites all over you if you dont get an exterminator.
You need to get rid of the cause first, then go to a doctor if you are swelling, as this may be a sign of infection.
Good Luck, and do it fast. They have been reported throughout New York, and keep spreading. They may be brought into the house in grocery bags, suit cases, and other stores and people.

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Zom-bee April 1, 2011 at 9:41 am

Use ice or heat for your itching and pain. Wash with warm water and use mild unscented soap on your skin. There are many brands of topical creams and lotions available that can help soothe both the pain and itch associated with bedbug bites. Look for products that contain combinations of topical diphenhydramine (for itching), pramoxine (for pain) or benzyl alcohol (for itching and pain). Good luck!


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