How do you tell someone they may have BEDBUGS at there house?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Thalassaki:
How do you tell someone they may have BEDBUGS at there house?

I was at someones house and saw some black specled things on the matress. It looked like big pieces of pepper. Is this maybe bed bugs leave behinh? There matress is over 20 years old!! They got it in the 80’s…So I know that is not good already, right? Could this all be a sign of bed bugs and how do you tell someone without emberraing them?

Also, the person that sleeps on it recently got menigitis, the bad kind. They thought maybe it was from a tick bite. COuld it be from the bedbugs?? Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by newbe
i don’t think you can get menigities from bedbugs.
how close are you to them?? if you can talk to them about anything your good but if they’re reallt touchy about things, well
good luck with that. if it was me i WOULD want to know. so please tell them

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Amy V March 30, 2011 at 1:10 am

Ew, it could have been. I think bed bugs stay in the dark though, not out in the open. If you have bedbugs you’ll probably notice little tiny bites on your skin, possibly tiny spots of blood on the sheets…

Also, there are lots of kinds of meningitis. Some are caused by bacteria, some by a virus, even a fungal infection. It’s possible bedbugs could spread it, I suppose, because meningitis is very contagious. I think person-to-person is the most common way to spread meningitis though.


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