Where can I get 100% alcohol to kill bedbugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by snowfiregem:
Where can I get 100% alcohol to kill bedbugs?

My parents home has a severe infestation of bedbugs. I am not living with them, however, they were asked to tell everybody who visited them since Thanksgiving to clean their homes and check for the critters.

I have not seen any of them on my belongings, nor have I gotten any bites, however, I would like to soak some of my my belongings that have been in their house in alcohol to kill off anything that might be there, just in case.

I figure 100% alcohol is enough to kill a human if you consume enough of it, so if I soak my things in it, it should kill the bugs. Where can I get it?

Best answer:

Answer by kazzyb37
bed bugs are becoming more common again.
i think you had better ask a pest control expert on what to do.
plenty of them in the phone book.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

gtng2nou March 29, 2011 at 7:26 pm

Contact your local public health dept. They would have the best solution for your problem. Alcohol may not be the answer.


bobby d March 29, 2011 at 7:45 pm

isn’t that rubbing alcohol ??? you can get that anywhere


Rex K March 29, 2011 at 7:57 pm

Alcohol is for drinking…Go down to the corner station & buy a gallon or 2 of kerosene..Put it in a tub or container of some sort & throw your clothes in for a soak..Tomorrow hang them out & the wash them.. Old timers used to do this for fleas & bedbugs..they couldn’t go down to the Hdw store to buy insecticides…They didn’t have much money.few Hdw stores, & insecticides.were unknown


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