Santa Cruz California hotels filled with bed bugs, theft, and rude service?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Ash S:
Santa Cruz California hotels filled with bed bugs, theft, and rude service?

I am taking a little trip with a friend up to Santa Cruz for a few days this summer but it looks like all the hotel reviews are really really awful and frightening.
Does anyone with actual experience living or visiting Santa Cruz know of a decent and SAFE hotel for young girls to stay? I am looking to spend no more than $ 115 a night (hopefully less). If all of Santa Cruz is as disgusting as it looks in the reviews online, maybe a suggestion for a place in a nearby town?
Thanks so much.

Best answer:

Answer by Angela
Santa Cruz is a beautiful place…ideal in the Summer. However, being a prime living & vacation spot, there is heavy Summer traffic, lots of tourists. Tourist season is now so you WILL be paying top dollar, even for a Motel 6. Stay away from Beach Flats…the area surrounding the Boardwalk. Beach Hill area (above the flats) or Downtown Santa Cruz is a safer bet. Consider anything on Ocean Street…from here you can walk to ocean, restaurants Check out University Inn on Ocean street: http: // .
This is a housing facility for UCSC students, as well as hotel for the general public. So it’s safe, well lit, homey. Hope that helps….love, a local.

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