Need help w/getting rid of bedbugs quick! Please!?

in Bedbug Questions

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Need help w/getting rid of bedbugs quick! Please!?

Hi, over the Summer my husband and I discovered that we had bedbugs in our bed, as well as our son’s and daughters’ beds after finding red marks on them and actually seeing the bedbugs for ourselves. We threw the beds out. Now all of a sudden in another area of our house, we have found some more. Could someone please tell me an inexpensive but sure way of getting rid of them? Are there any sprays out there that can be used? I am researching online as well, was just wondering if anyone had to deal w/this before and found a way to get rid of them permanently. I would appreciate any help I can get. Thank you so much!

Best answer:

Answer by londoncalling
It’s very important to be aggressive! Kill them if you see them so they don’t reproduce and infest your home even more. Strip all of the bedding off of the beds and wash it. Wash all of the clothes in the house. Take time to clean up and organize all that may be lying around on the floor. Put a plastic cover over every mattress. Vacuum up every nook and cranny. Look behind, under, etc every piece of furniture. They’ll hide behind picture frames and mirrors too. You should be able to pick up a bug killer spray that kills bed bugs as well – try Walmart. As for the bites, you could take your kids to their doctor. They may be allergic to bed bugs and they can get prescription medicine.

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.:Skittlez LoWkz:. March 27, 2011 at 12:20 am

i know that there are these proffesional bed bug killing kit dat u can get n’ if u search on google how to kill bed bugs it gives awesome results!


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