Mosquitos, Spiders, or Bedbugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by trenodes:
Mosquitos, Spiders, or Bedbugs?

Recently, I’ve gotten these bites on my body. At first, I thought it was mosquitos because they look just like them. I got some on my arms, legs, and a few on my stomach. I kept getting new bites while the old ones healed. I don’t go outside much, especially at night, and no one else in my family has gotten any bites. I live in a basement, so we thought maybe spiders. Then I got a weird bite that was three in a row on my arm. I looked up different bites and it said that bedbugs do that. I dunno what to really think or do. Any suggestions or advice? Does anyone know what it sounds like?

Best answer:

Answer by rdm1205
cover your bed first with a blanket and then with a comforter. or you might wannt buy a new bed because i think your bed has bed bugs. but using something to cover it on might help.

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Deana M March 26, 2011 at 12:17 am

First, check to see if you have bed bugs. This site tells you how to check, and where to check.


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