How do People get Bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Chrissy:
How do People get Bed bugs?

I have been finding bumps and itchy spots on my skin and was wondering…because I pretty much know I have bed bugs.I’m suffering with bites…how do people get bed bugs…how can I get rid of them??I need help..this is awful 🙁 !!

Best answer:

Answer by Frank
I know your pain. My wife and I recently had bed bugs too. My wife found out about two weeks ago and when we did we couldn’t sleep anymore. They didn’t bother me, I guess because males’ skin is thicker than females. Anyways, I did a lot of research and found out that you can hire someone to get rid of them but it’s a little expensive, it can run from $ 500-1500. We couldn’t afford that immediately so we bought:

1. a sheet cover for bed $ 40 (Wal-mart) make sure that it’s resistant to bed bugs!!!
2. Sheet cover for pillows $ 6-7 each (wal-mart) resistant to bed bugs
3. Steam cleaner(Shark) $ 80 plus tax (wal-mart)

and that’s it. We sprayed steam everywhere and got rid of a lot of them. Every now and then we still spray steam just to make sure.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Porcelain Doll-Xx March 21, 2011 at 9:47 pm

Omg i have the same prob wen ever i go to sleep i cant stop itching my back & ive got spots.. id say use a vacuum and suck up all those lil feckers lol


Paul March 21, 2011 at 10:41 pm

Bed bugs travel from place to place in used bedding, furniture, etc. Always purchase new instead of used. Best to locate a pro to get rid of them, these people know where they are hiding during daylight hours.


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