What is a good treatment for high anxiety?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Vergie:
What is a good treatment for high anxiety?

I take a supplement called Sam-e but sometimes it’s not enough as I get all worked up over things. I just found out my neighbor has bedbugs and have a horror that they may come over to my condo….friends say I am over re-acting and I probably am as they are just in her mattress now……but I get overly upset over other things that aren’t that bad too….getting ready to go to the gym….I know that will help me. I have had a panic attack 2 years ago and ended up overnight in the hospital as I thought it was a heart attack….the Dr. prescribed lexapro and I gained weight so stopped taking it and started taking Sam-e which is more expensive and he prescribed xanax (the generic one) 0.5mg. and said to take as needed and I don’t think I take it enough as I don’t want to get dependent one it…..got dependent long time ago on valium….the 30 pills he prescribed was last Nov.14th and said to take one half pill as needed and one for insomnia as needed.

Best answer:

Answer by Violet Pearl
Change your diet,
check your hormones

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erhgjhgfd h March 13, 2011 at 3:51 am

xanax you are fine on, take it up to 2 times a week – 3 if needed , you will not have problems becoming dependant on them. you have been prescibed the lowest dose for your anxeity .25mg and for sleeping the next lowest .5mg

if you a nervous about the bed bugs call in exterminator to check the apt

good luck and take it easy


HUGO M & GABY March 13, 2011 at 3:44 am

There a medication that is very useful Abily Life ,Seroquel.These medication are take it as a shut one time every month. In Texas Tropical are free and you don’t need to be an U.S citizen.


ross g March 13, 2011 at 4:31 am

Xanax works similar to valium. They are both benzodiazepines. They work similarly to alcohol and other sleep aids and can all produce a dependency. If you had a prior dependency on valium you may be at increased risk of getting tolerant and dependent more quickly than other people as your body will remember the drug it used to be dependent on. I would look for the cause of your anxiety and treat the cause rather than the symptoms, like maybe a stressful job, bad relationship, past trauma etc and work on resolving life stressers.
See this site for more information http://www.bcnc.org.uk


John N March 13, 2011 at 4:57 am

There is this guide by anxiety expert Joe Barry , he has taught thousands of people to be panic free without any medication using a revolutionary new technique, http://www.panicaway.co.nr , its really a great guide , it should help you get rid of panic attacks forever in a few days

Hope this helps you and wish you the best of health


Mary M March 13, 2011 at 5:51 am

There’s a great support group for people with bedbugs on Yahoo Groups– http://bedbugger.com/ — really helps anxiety to share with others who have the same problem.


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