Best way to get bed bugs out of an apartment building?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Gina:
Best way to get bed bugs out of an apartment building?

Hired an exterminator and they will be treating the bedroom where they have been found and neighboring units. We think we caught they early and want to get rid of them quickly. Anyone have successful methods they’d care to share??? I am asking this as a apartment manager.

Best answer:

Answer by Ghost of Zeuz
Phosphorus is what you need, but it’s illegal in most states.

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bj March 7, 2011 at 4:56 am

Call 9-1-1 and tell them bed bugs broke in ur house again then get the A-Jax


Jeff G March 7, 2011 at 5:34 am

I edit the and have written extensively on the topic. I highly recommend the Termapure system where the entire building or apartment (s) is heated to 140 degrees. At this level, the heat penetrates everything in the apartment and kills all bed bugs and bed bug eggs.

While this method requires a licensed dealer, the result is complete bed bug control. When you limit the effort to chemical treatment, it relies on the exterminator finding every bug and egg, and then treating those areas.

Heat is clean, simple, and in a few hours eliminates the problem.

If it is a small infestation you can go the insecticide route, but all you need is a few bed bugs hiding in a clock radio, to have the infestation quickly return.


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