How do you safely remove a bed bug cover without letting the bugs get out?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Sarah:
How do you safely remove a bed bug cover without letting the bugs get out?

I have a bed bug cover on my dorm mattress, but how would I go about removing it without letting the bugs out all over my room? Also, how would you recommend washing or removing the bedbugs from it so I can use it again?

Best answer:

Answer by clayton
What makes you think that there are bed bugs hiding under the cover, have you been bitten, do you have red welts on your skin? Perhaps you are confused with dust mites, the invisible little critters that live on the dead skin we shed on a daily basis.

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barbara m March 6, 2011 at 6:04 am

If you have a cover on the mattress for prevention of bedbugs, but haven’t seen any, you can take it off, wash & dry it. If you have bedbugs & can see them inside the cover, do not remove it. These covers are meant to be left on permanently. They really don’t need to be washed unless the bed’s been peed on. Just wash your sheets as usual. If there are bugs inside & you unzip it, at least a few will get out. Also make sure no holes appear in the cover, if you find holes use a strong tape to cover them. Bedbugs can live inside these covers for up to 18 mos+ without feeding.


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