Is there a product know for getting rid of bed bugs? will I ever get rid of them?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by rsinhappycamp:
Is there a product know for getting rid of bed bugs? will I ever get rid of them?

I got bed bugs from a nice motel this summer

Best answer:

Answer by pixieotr
spray the mattress with raid and let it set for a day or two, then vacuum. you need to wash all linens in hot water to kill them. you may have to repeat this several times and if you still have a problem, replace the bed

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lunalobo_92 February 25, 2011 at 7:56 pm

You can vacuum your mattress, loosen up your sheets. And if all else fails, maybe a new mattress?


Mustanger February 25, 2011 at 8:41 pm

Bed bugs can be a real problem to get rid of. Best to call an exterminator and take all clothes, bedding, etc. out to the laundromat/ cleaners. A professional exterminator can give you a complete list of what you need to do to get rid of them. Google up bed bugs and check out what Wikipedia says about the treatment of them with Diatomaceous Earth.


magnetic_azimuth February 25, 2011 at 8:49 pm

do not do what your first answer told you to do, you will spread them out

first, i’m well acquainted with bed bugs, and successfully got rid of them in a short time in a military setting.

you either need to be willing to shell out several thousand dollars to a professional, or you have to do this systematically the way i will tell you.

bed bugs are survivers like you have never seen the likes of. if you think roaches are hard to get rid of, get ready for a war.

email me and i will tell you what to do, this is pretty involved and i would rather have you able to ask questions.

you can look up bed bugs at the afpmb if you want, but don’t go using remedies off the internet, they will not work usually and expose you to real dangers especially where they want you to use diatoms

edit: mustange is mostly right, but avoid diatoms, they can cut your lungs


sstevevin February 25, 2011 at 8:54 pm

my ex wife


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