Where did “bedbugs” reside before humans were around?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Carl M:
Where did “bedbugs” reside before humans were around?

Obviously these things were around before humans. So where was their habitat before the now preferred bed?

Best answer:

Contrary to popular belief, bedbugs dont actually need human blood to survive.

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Bio February 17, 2011 at 9:45 am

Common bedbugs Cimex lectularius are human-specific parasites and were co-evolving together with humans for millions of years.
Specialized blood-sucking insects evolved millions years ago from predatory forms, which in their turn originated from herbivorous insects.
Although common bedbugs can feed on mice in lab, they are human-specific and humans is their preferential blood source. Before humans it was humanoids, before humanoid it was humanoid’s ancestor, etc.


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