How can I get rid of bedbugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Red[em]:
How can I get rid of bedbugs?

Its been about a month now since they magically appeared and I think I got them from this kid at school. but a couple of weeks ago I caught three of them hanging out on my mattress and threw the damn thing out! They were probably more inside it and I wasn’t taking chances. Since then the biting has been far less worse but I’m still itchy!!! Is there any home remedy I can use to get rid of the rest of these stupid pests?

Best answer:

Answer by moe.
I’ve had them! I just took long hot showers. It helped me.

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Fre Lautner =) February 11, 2011 at 9:46 pm

yes spread mayo,chocolate syrup,and italian dressing all over your bed,that should get them! =)


Mu$!c 24/7 February 11, 2011 at 10:21 pm

try getting a new mattress and probably a new pillow. wash your sheets thoroughly and maybe scrub your bed legs and everything. spray a bug prevention spray around the bed area and the walls and then refreshen the air to cover up the bug spray. take a good bath before bed and sleep well.


me too February 11, 2011 at 10:36 pm

Try Eucalyptus oil…spray that on your carpets…and throughly wash pillows, bedding, blankets, even curtains.


mle4rd February 11, 2011 at 11:29 pm

BB are the most difficult things to get rid of. They live in carpet, furniture upholstery. I have heard stories of people trying to get rid of them for months, putting them in plastic bags and they live without food for months, plus they still breed. NPR had a really good story about this (although you will hate it). Go listen to the story here:

One of the acts is about BB, the other acts are good too… the one about sleepwalking is hysterical.


Lou L February 11, 2011 at 11:32 pm

Torch the house…It’s the only way to be sure you killed the little buggers.


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