If i take a certain medicine will it kill bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by lunabuna72:
If i take a certain medicine will it kill bed bugs?

Like when the bed bugs bite and the medicine is in my system will it kill them?

Best answer:

Answer by James
that is a very good question. but the answer is usually not. you would have to get a medicine that goes throughout your veins. or you can try eating something that is poisonous to them and not you. i don’t have that problem. i am a swimmer and i have chlorine in my pores, i sweat it when i do other physical activities and i can smell it. its very annoying because i now have lung damage. sigh. just try soaking your bed in… alcohol? it will work but it would smell for a while. you could then get a nice smelling body spray or something and try getting rid of the smell. but most likely the smells will combine. sorry i cant help much.

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A February 11, 2011 at 7:43 am

No but there are sprays you can buy that will kill them or you might have to call an exterminator.


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