Will sleeping with the lights on keep away bed bugs?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Terrestrial:
Will sleeping with the lights on keep away bed bugs?

I read bed bugs are night creatures — so does that mean if I sleep with the light on I can keep them away?

Best answer:

Answer by Emmzonline
No. bed bugs are hidden inside the mattress. there are some in most beds. Most bed bugs just stay inside the mattress, but if your bed bugs are biting then that’s probably a sign that you need a new mattress.

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mythicalsoul February 7, 2011 at 10:56 am

Absolutely not. Bed bugs will change their pattern if they are hungry enough. They are normally sensitive/avoid of light, but if they need to feed, they will come out.
Check out the site that I gave you for the other answer.
Bed bugs are not just in mattresses, and are not in the majority of mattresses either. They will hide close to the feeding spot, and will come out when they sense carbon dioxide and heat.


Rocket February 7, 2011 at 11:16 am

Bed bugs are nocturnal, but they will eat when they are ready – regardless of the light. They can sense the carbon dioxide that you exhale while you sleep. Plus, it’s not a long term solution even if it did work – you need to get rid of them. The best product I’ve come across is Diatect’s Bed Bug killer. it’s about $ 25 and is all-natural and guaranteed to kill bed bugs.

Last note, some people try to switch rooms thinking the bed bugs will go away. Wrong. They’ll just follow you from room to room until the entire house is infested.


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