When was the infestation of bedbugs in the White House discovered, before or after 0bama invited his?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Altair 1:
When was the infestation of bedbugs in the White House discovered, before or after 0bama invited his?

Muslim brothers for a stay over?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Wolf ©
“Muslim brothers”

Sept. 2009 President Obama authorized a U.S. commando attack in Somalia that killed Saleh Ali Nabhan an al Qaeda operative who took part in the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

He ordered the launch of cruise missiles against two suspected al-Qaeda sites in Yemen.

He authorized the killing of the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki who is in Yemen.

He increase the number of troops fighting our enemy in Afghanistan from
from approx. 33,000 to approx 94,000.

This President has increased US air strikes in Pakistan from 36 in 2008 to 53 in 2009 and over 50 so far this year. Mustafa al-Yazid Al-Qaida’s number three co-founder of the terror network was killed in one of those missiles strikes in Pakistan May 2010.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Jimmbbo February 5, 2011 at 10:51 am


If you lie down with the dogs, you wake up with fleas….


Dobby February 5, 2011 at 10:54 am



Laura Belle February 5, 2011 at 11:10 am

You were wrong for that, and you know it. Jack@$ $


hi February 5, 2011 at 11:47 am

So, if I understand what your saying, we should exclude an entire religion from the white house?

I summon a trap card, RACE CARD!


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