Is there anyways to kill bed bugs yourself?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by Loca:
Is there anyways to kill bed bugs yourself?

OK, well we moved into a new house the other day and this house is infested with bed bugs, I am being biten every single night. Ive been doing alot of research online and this stories people are telling about thier experience is really freaking me out. Does Borax work? Does exterminating get rid of the problem? Im losing my mind already and we have only lived here for almost 4 days. The landlord thinks its nonthing serious, when you can actually see them crawling on the door frames?!?!?!?

Best answer:

Answer by Rex K
Go to Ace Hdw or some other good hardware store..they sell a fumigant that you turn loose..Anything that you want to, friends, pets..get them out of the house first.Otherwise you should call a good fumigant company….I am really astonished that anyone has bedbugs in this day & age..When I was a kid on the farm..some people had them..We had some in a chicken house..they crawl into cracks during the day..& come out & suck blood from the chickens at nite..My Dad sprayed the shed several times with tractor fuel..He finally got disgusted & burned the whole shed down..Back in those days..chemicals just weren’t available..they had sulphur cannisters that were lit like candles, to use in homes…

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