How would I get rid of bedbugs without exterminator?

in Bedbug Questions

Question by MrRyan:
How would I get rid of bedbugs without exterminator?

I’ve been bitten maybe 5-6 times in the past week and a half. I’ve seen 3 bed bugs.

So far ive washed my sheets and vaccummed but any advice on how to kill problem while its early so bed bugs don’t get out of hand??

Best answer:

Answer by iamactionguy
Exterminate them yourself. I recommend a bug bomb. You can pick them up at most grocery stores or places like Wal-Mart and Target. You’ll have to leave the house for a few hours, but it should kill anything that lives in the room.

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barbara b January 30, 2011 at 1:07 pm

while a bug bomb will work for exposed bugs, be aware that bed bugs also hide in cracks and crevasases and usually only come out at night to feed on you. an exterminator is highly recomended if you want them gone.


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